Makkal Padai: The countless Trapped and Mistreated civilians of Sri Lanka by the LTTE

The Innocent were forcibly taken to the frontline to dig bunkers, manufacture deadly weapons, instructed to shoot many soldiers from the government forces, and so on. It was a very dangerous life for Tamil civilians under the grips of the LTTE; countless lives were lost, and many of them did not even receive any training, their lives were also not guaranteed because the LTTE cadres fetched them from their homes and the next day brought their dead bodies back. Every day, many people were crying in their neighborhoods because they lost many young children and family members.

It is not surprising that we keep trying to determine who is missing, who was murdered, and who is dead in a world full with debate and problems. The emphasis on disproving the erroneous information and biased media that are being circulated is the main barrier to discovering explanations. Sri Lanka made a commitment to combat terrorism on behalf of all of its people. Never before has the world called for an explanation of why more LTTE fighters slaughtered Tamil civilians. Sri Lanka is a nation with a rich cultural legacy and a diversified population that is multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-religious. The county is attractive because of its diversity. Due to these intricacies, a nation is prone to violence because of the clashing ideas. Being a "Sri Lankan" is the one thing that ties these peculiar threads together. In order to maintain sovereignty and uphold the human rights of all citizens, it is crucial to promote unity among the nation's citizens despite their differences.

The LTTE is largely to blame for the terrible situation brought upon the country and the innocent civilians, they have ruthlessly and repeatedly mistreated the Tamil populace on whose behalf they claimed to fight. Deplorable human rights abuses have been committed by the LTTE, which has been fighting for an independent Tamil state known as Tamil Eelam. It has killed many Sinhalese, Muslim, and Tamil people over the past 25 years, committed political killings in Sri Lanka and abroad, and carried out suicide bombings that have claimed a significant number of lives. The LTTE routinely used bombs and remote-controlled landmines to harm civilians, mercilessly slaughtered Tamil leaders, journalists, and members of competing organizations as perceived political rivals, and enlisted Tamils forcibly, including many youngsters. The LTTE has controlled by fear in the regions it has taken control of, restricting fundamental freedoms of expression, association, assembly, and mobility. The Liberation Tigers are instructing Tamil civilians in the use of weapons while getting ready to start another round of talks with the Sri Lankan government in case conflict breaks out again. It was said that for many countless afternoons at a public playground, civilians of all ages, including schoolchildren and gray-haired elders, congregate for a session of military training that the Tigers prefer to refer to as "training in self-defense" in order to deceive the people to join their hidden agendas. 

The trainees are divided into various age groups and there were also older civilians in their 70s split into different batches and they are trained in various aspects of the battle over weeks. After an initial training period they were taught how to handle assault rifles and other sophisticated weaponry; it also included training to pick up a gun and shoot. They were instructed to be prepared to be up there in the front as and when required and if they refused their lives would be taken away. The LTTE subjected civilians to hazardous forced labor, such as trench-digging for its combatants and building military shelters on the front lines. In addition, it frequently compels the families of fugitive civilians to perform hazardous tasks close to the frontlines as a form of retribution. Several hundred thousand civilians were largely trapped in dangerous combat zones with scant access to humanitarian aid after the LTTE shut down its pass system for travel and forbade almost all civilians from leaving areas under LTTE control (except from critical medical situations at certain instances). The availability of ready sources of civilians for future forced labor and combat recruiting by taking the civilians into forced captivity, the LTTE took advantage of the vast civilian population in the regions it controls.

The  Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) extensively, has conducted multiple humanitarian missions, Rehabilitation initiatives and developed the nation and provided multiple support and assistance to the affected parties in the interest of citizens to nurture national harmony in the aftermath of the war. However, the notorious, well-established LTTE terrorist group that were proscribed by many countries including Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, Canada, India, United States, European Union and Malaysia, have twisted and turned the facts and evidences. Thus, looking at the above atrocities committed by LTTE it is evident that several International humanitarian customary laws have been breached and violated. The gravity of the issue is, LTTE is now rising in foreign countries, and they have taken a more intellectual approach by trying to convince world leaders, dispersing hate speech and false news, and using youth to promote terrorism. Moreover, they are attempting to delist it from the proscribed terror organization and right the wrong. 


Bajoria  Jayshree ,The Sri Lankan Conflict,council on foreing relations, May 18, 2009


Human Rights Watch,,News Release,Trapped and Mistreated, LTTE Abuses against Civilians in the Vanni, (December 15, 2008)

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